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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Prayers of the People

Remembering Rev. Kunnan Chen (HR)

Seattle Presbytery

From Rev. Angela Miksovsky (English Ministry Pastor, First Taiwanese Church of Seattle):

It is with both sadness and joy that I share the news that Pastor Kunnan Chen recently went home to the Lord on 6/14 at 9:35PM. He served faithfully at Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church for many years, retired honorably. He most recently worshipped at Bellevue Taiwanese Christian Church. I remember the gentleness, persistence, and grace with which he pastored us and with which he bore the burden of his Parkinson’s as it progressed. He was 80 years old and served faithfully, kneeling by his bedside and holding God’s church especially in Taiwan in his prayers always. His memorial service will be on 7/13/2019 at 10:30 at Bellevue Taiwanese Christian Church. He is survived by his wife, daughters, sons-in-law, granddaughters, and grandsons. We gave thanks for his faithful ministry to us always.