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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Prayers of the People

Update on Hurricane Isaac

Seattle Presbytery

Dear friends,

Seven years ago this week, Hurricane Katrina swept through the Gulf of Mexico, destroying homes, devastating the economy, and claiming the lives of many. Because of your generous gifts to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and One Great Hour of Sharing, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has truly been able to help these communities heal and rebuild from that disaster, as well as from the Gulf oil spill in 2010.

Now communities like Plaquemines Parish, profoundly impacted by both Katrina and the oil spill, are in great need once again as a result of Hurricane Isaac. We respond in faith and affirmation that God’s might is greater than any storm.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) stands ready to immediately respond to needs identified by mid councils in the affected areas. Trained National Response Team members are being deployed to provide a ministry of presence and help with assessments and other identified needs. Cleanup buckets and Gift of the Heart kits are being assembled for the cleanup and recovery process. Your generosity will make a big difference in the effectiveness of our response.

How You Can Help

We ask that you stand in the GAP for those who are being affected by this devastating storm:

GIVE. Isaac has both national and international impact; we ask that you prayerfully consider giving online to DR000148. You can give $10 now by texting PDA to 20222.

ACT. Volunteer work teams may be needed to help with cleanup efforts. Contact Eden at the PDA Call Center, (866) 732-6121, to let her know of your team’s skills and availability. You can also download and share this bulletin insert with others to inform them of the needs brought about by this situation.

PRAY. Please pray for those who have already been impacted by the storm and those who will face coastal and inland flooding. Pray for affected families and those who will help with emergency, relief, and recovery efforts. Pray that the hope of Christ will be evident in our response.

Read more about how PDA is responding and download a bulletin insert for use in Sunday services →

Ron Reese is Cancer Free!

Seattle Presbytery

We share in Ron and Bonnie's ​joy and relief at the news that Ron is cancer free!

​From his Caring Bridge site:

"The radiologist who read my recent PET and CT scans told Dr. Weeks, my cancer doc, “There is no sign of cancer in this person’s body,” and “These results are great!!” Dr. Weeks was pretty excited when he called to give us the test results. He was also clear that no test is conclusive and that we need to continue a lesser version of the treatment to secure the ground we’ve gained.

Since then, Bonnie and I have been letting it register that we may have finally emerged out of the dark tunnel of the last five months and we have been feeling the issue of what life will look like now – which must not be an environment that allows cancer to take hold, as my life the last few years must have been.

One way life will be different now is that I know, like never before, that the God I’ve opened my life to is a God who heals....

Kenyan International Community Church welcomes their new pastor, Rev. Geoffrey Wanyoike

Seattle Presbytery

UPDATE: Join in celebrating Rev. Wanyoike's installation--details here.​

Prayers of thanksgiving for Kenyan International Community Church welcoming their new pastor Rev. Geoffrey Wanyoike from the East African Presbyterian Church in Nairobi, Kenya.

Pastor Geoffrey's wife and children will be arriving in early August to join him.

Prayers for their transition to the Seattle area and their ministry to the Kenyan Fellowship.

Alice Nishioka's passed away

Seattle Presbytery

Please pray for the family of Alice Nishioka who passed away on June 30, 2012. Her memorial service will be held at 2 PM at the Japanese Presbyterian Church (casual dress encouraged) this coming Saturday, August 4.

Alice was an elder, and the wife of the Rev. Dick Nishioka who served as a pastor at Presby for 30 years..

Her obituary at the Seattle Times can be found here.

Inglewood, Kenmore/Kirkland - New Pastor

Seattle Presbytery

Welcome Rev. James Kumin, arriving in mid-August, 2012, to Inglewood Presbyterian Church.​

From Inglewood:​

We are very excited to announce that we have hired a permanent pastor, James Kumin! His first Sunday preaching will be August 19th, so be sure to come out in support! Following the service will be an all-church BBQ and we would love to have you join us in fellowship and to bring a warm welcome to our new pastor and his family!

Pastor James is moving to the Kirkland area from Ann Arbor, Michigan with his lovely wife, Liz, and their young son, Jonathan.

He grew up in Portland, Oregon, and then went to school at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. While living in California, he met his wife and was a church youth worker from 1996-2003. He ministered to a diverse community of youth and saw many come to faith in Christ!

In 2006, James graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary where he received his Masters in Divinity. Then, moving with his wife to Michigan, James served at four different churches, seeing growth at each congregation.

We are so blessed to finally say that we have a pastor, and we are even more excited that James Kumin is filling that role!

General Assembly

Guest User

The 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is the Week of June 30 through July 7 in Pittsburgh.  Please keep the General Assembly and the whole church in your prayers.​