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The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

COVID-19: March 20 Update from Co-EPs Eliana Maxim & Scott Lumsden

COVID-19: March 20 Update from Co-EPs Eliana Maxim & Scott Lumsden

Seattle Presbytery

March 20, 2020: SeaPres Update from Co-EPs Eliana Maxim & Scott Lumsden

Dear friends,

It seems like every day, and sometimes every hour, the news changes around us in what we learn about Covid-19 and how we are responding as the church. 

It was a blessing and privilege to connect with so many of our pastors and chaplains this past week on our check-in Zoom e-meetings; to hear how they are doing, how they are serving their communities in these challenging times, and how the presbytery can be a helpful partner. From these conversations, we’ve gleaned some insights: 

A Desire for Connection

  • We’ve created the SeaPres Podcast. We’re no experts, but we hope that in our informal conversation about what’s going on in the presbytery you can hear about resources and opportunities. 

  • We will continue to offer drop-in Zoom e-gatherings for pastors and chaplains on a weekly basis. We want to hear from you. Please note the date and time offerings:

            Pastors: Wednesdays at 12noon

            Chaplains: Mondays at 7pm

A Need for Resources

  • Please check our webpage for continually updated links and materials that may be helpful for your ministries, and share your resources with us.  

  • The Executive Board will be meeting mid-next week to discuss ways we can come alongside churches who may be facing financial challenges due to this pandemic. We’ll be exploring some different options to provide equitable support. We’ll also be looking at what various churches are doing in partnership with community organizations to meet needs in the community such as food scarcity, childcare, and housing and how the presbytery can support those endeavors.

  • Please see letters from the Board of Pensions and Insurance Board regarding issues related to Covid-19.

Finally, two prayer requests.

Prayers for Rev. Jane Pauw (Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church) who was diagnosed with Covid-19. Jane’s recovering at home but would welcome your prayers for complete recovery.

Prayers of thanksgiving for Helen Hall who served on presbytery staff for 3 years as Business/Finance Manager. We are grateful for the many ways that Helen kept us organized and on track with presbytery finances. Personnel has determined that the needs of the presbytery are such that we will need to reconfigure staffing around finance. Should you have any questions around these issues, please contact Scott Lumsden.

In these disconcerting and anxious times, it’s helpful to remember the words of the prophet Isaiah:  “Those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Friends, let us take heart that we are in this together and God is very much present. We will soar because God’s grace will be the wind beneath our wings.

In hope and peace,


Seattle Presbytery Churches & New Worshiping Communities

(Links to churches & NWCs who have shared live streaming & other worship information. If you have information to share: send links to SP communications).