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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Race & Equity Development and Training

Race & Equity Development and Training

Seattle Presbytery

Yesterday over 70 people from the Seattle Presbytery gathered for a Zoom call hosted by the Race & Equity Task Force. One of the most encouraging aspects of our time together was toward the beginning of the call, when participants were invited to comment in the chat if their home congregation had a group, team, or committee working on addressing racial injustice. The comments flooded in, and something in the atmosphere shifted. Every chat entry was a reminder that we are all in this together. We do not labor alone.

The Race & Equity Task Force, as well as the presbytery staff and Executive Board, are committed to walking alongside church communities and the leaders who shepherd them. To that end, our quarterly forums will become monthly opportunities. We will be offering monthly learning opportunities throughout the summer and fall -- panel discussions, guest speakers, and more -- designed to equip and encourage leaders.

It's important to ask, however, equip leaders for what? Last night, the topic of individualism came up, and I felt the familiar sting of conviction. I regularly fall back into an individualistic mindset, even when I think I'm focused on the common good. I wonder... is our goal to equip leaders to become anti-racist individuals? Or can we imagine a way to become leaders of communal transformation?

Moving forward, our hope is that we will embrace this model of community-based change, not only because it works, but also because our theology is built on mutuality and neighbor love. I hope you will consider attending the upcoming learning opportunities hosted by the Race & Equity Task Force, not only for yourself as an individual, but for the sake of the beloved community.

Haley Ballast
SeaPres Race & Equity Task Force Chair