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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Seattle Presbytery Relief

COVID-19 emergency relief, grants, aid, and resources.

seapres covid-RELATED financial assistance

The pandemic has shaped every aspect of our life, including our faith communities’ practices. After quickly moving to a virtual form of worship back in March 2020, the Executive Board realizes that our churches will need to find a new rhythm and form for worship as congregants begin to gather in person.

*Available as of July 21, 2021: SeaPres Worship & Technology Grant.

Seattle Presbytery has established a worship and technology grant fund for our churches financially affected by this pandemic.


In order to ensure our churches have the basic technology required to lead worship in a way that serves their community, we have established a COVID Worship & Technology grant to assist our churches with costs related to purchasing, upgrading, or replacing audio and/or visual equipment for worship and other fellowship experiences.


Sessions may apply and receive up to $2,500 (for any worship & technology costs in 2020 or 2021, no documentation needed). Simply email requests to



Sessions may apply for matching funds up to $10,000 by completing this grant form that requires a short explanation of the project and costs.


Only Presbytery of Seattle member churches and new worshiping communities can apply.


  1. For OPTION 2 grant requests, submit this completed “COVID-19 Worship & Technology Grant Request Form”. Send forms & attachments by email to:

  2. All OPTION 2 requests must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board. Additional documentation may be requested.

  3. Preference will be given to congregations with budgets of less than $500,000 (or stated differently, priority will be given to congregations with the greatest financial need).

Download SeaPres Worship & Technology Grant application (for Option 2 requests)

*Available as of July 21, 2021: 2021 SeaPres Pastors COVID Sabbath Grant.

Similar to last year’s pastor sabbath grants, ordained minister members of the presbytery are invited to apply for a $750 grant to be used for a time of rest and renewal. This round preference will be given to pastors who did not receive a previous sabbath grant, solo pastors, and ministers in validated ministries. All levels of employment are eligible, except for volunteers. Ministers are invited to submit the following application.

Download SeaPres Pastors COVID Sabbath Grant application

federal covid-19 assistance programs

PC(USA) covid-19 assistance programs